Saturday, December 14, 2013

My first hair trim

My moms took me to get my bangs trimmed so I can see better when I'm trying to crawl places.  I sat on Ema's lap while a tv was playing in front of us as the lady snipped away at my hair.  My moms say it's too short, but I'm just excited that I can see.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Gobble Gobble

We spent a sweet Turkey Day and beginnings of Hannukah with my three favorite Floridians.  We kept very busy on our visit- hunting for alligators on our nature walk, eating turkey, opening Hannukah gifts, feeding birds at the zoo, carousels, eating turkey, opening Hannukah gifts, building up my immune system at an indoor play park, swinging at the beach - and oh ya opening Hannukah gifts. I am such a lucky boy- Thank You xoxo Bubbie, Grandpa D and Lucy.

alligator hunting

human bird feeders

Gravitron for babies

Flu Shots everyone?

Curiously Carter

Current Curiosity: Bipedalism