Friday, November 16, 2012

Its my party....

and i'll cry if i want to. Today is my numero uno month birthday.
My moms keep saying that it looks like i am storing milk in my hands, arms and cheeks- but i just call it being resourceful.  I overheard some lady in Target say something about a "chipmunk"- but i just don't see it.
Anyway I definitely feel like i am getting older because my moms have already given me a laundry list of chores (thankfully not literally laundry- cause sock matching is a drag) - 
Working on building a strong neck and core during Tummy Time. 

Working on my words and ear for speech- my silly moms use a papertowel tube to tell me secrets and jokes.
Working on my keen sense of smell- move over citrus you're a bore- hello vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg

Working on my X-ray vision with high contrast sights.
Working on my sense of touch with facials and baths, dog petting, cozy blanket cuddling and skin time.


XO curiously carter 

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday to my boy! I'm counting the weeks xoxoxo grandma


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