Saturday, November 23, 2013

2 legit 2 quit

On Friday my mom legally became my mom - just in case we travel to some other states or exotic countries that might be jealous that I have two moms.
The dude in the black robe, whose breath smelled like justice, reminded my mom that all children - whether they are natural or adopted or step are the same and that she was now making a lifelong promise to hold me accountable to always clean my room. He seemed nice enough, but little did he know she's been having me do chores (without pay) since I've been in the womb.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mar Vista

My Mom and Ema took us on a weekend getaway up the coast to a sweet little place called Mar Vista.  We got to play with some goats, eat fresh chicken eggs, see bunnies, pick fresh flowers and harvest delish veggies from the gardens.  We also hit the beach where Katie and I spent time digging for treasure.  Not sure how much R&R my mom's got trying to keep me away from the wood stove and eating sand but i cant wait to go back.

Curiously Carter

p.s. i am currently curious about stairs - i can cruise up them all right but still trying to figure out my down approach

Thursday, November 14, 2013

YEP i did it...

i turned ONE!
32" tall (99%)  and 24 lbs (84%)
I am cruizin' around mostly trying to avoid a bruizin', pulling cat tails and dog ears, pointing and uhming at EVEYTHING, a little bossy but my snuggles are so sweet, thank you to all for my birthday treats.